Using the Sangoma Fax Portal

Using the Sangoma Fax Portal

Logging into the Sangoma Fax Portal

  1. Browse to
  2. Log in with the credentials that were provided by Ally Communications.

Viewing and Downloading Faxes

  1. Click on the Fax menu item
    If there are multiple Fax Numbers, an arrow will be next to the Fax menu item and will expand to display a list of available fax DIDs. If you only have one fax number then that will be the only one available.
    1. ALL: View faxes sent by, and received by, all fax numbers
    2. Individual DID: View all faxes sent by, and received by, this DID only

  2. The DID you are navigating under will be displayed at the top of your screen. Click Inbox in the Fax DID Menu. 
  3. Select the fax you wish to view in the preview screen.
  4. The Download option is located at the bottom of the preview window and next to the print option.

The Preview Window

Inbox, Sent, and Failed Folder Actions

Deleted Folder Actions

Sending a Fax

Files must be in PDF or TIFF format.

Maximum document size is 20MB

The eFax Portal allows you send a FAXStation fax via your web browser by uploading PDF or TIFF files from your computer. You can optionally include a cover sheet. After you send a fax, you can monitor its status and view a saved copy.

How to Send a Fax

Click the Send New Fax button.



  • From: Choose the sender DID from the drop-down menu.
  • Destination: Enter the fax number for the recipient.
  • Resolution: Choose StandardFine, or Super Fine.
  • Coversheet: Choose whether you would like the system to generate a one-page coversheet for you. Click the ON/OFF switch to toggle it. If you select ON, additional options will appear:


You can enter the following information to be included in the cover sheet:

  • Recipient Name: Person this fax is intended for.
  • Message: Short message limited to 1340 characters.
  • My Name: Sender's name.
  • My Telephone: Sender's voice telephone number.
  • My Email: Sender's e-mail address.

Documents must be in PDF of TIFF format. You can include one or more PDF or TIFF files in a single fax.

Maximum document size is 20MB

There are two ways to add files:

  • Click the green Upload Document button to select a file from your computer.
  • Or, drag and drop a file from your computer to the Drag new documents here box.55476530.png

Uploaded files will be shown.

You can click the PDF icon 55476501.png to view the file.

If you need to delete a file, click the delete button55476590.png.


When ready, simply click the Send button to send your fax.


Do not navigate away or close your browser while you see this message on the screen:


When the fax is done processing, you'll see a green message letting you know the fax is being sent. At this point, it is safe to navigate away or close your browser.


How to Check the Status of a Sent Fax

You can check the Outbox folder for information on an outbound fax that is in progress.

Known Issue with Outbox Status

Currently, there is a known issue where a fax may still be shown in the outbox in a "queued" for a period of time after it has already been received by the recipient, or after it has permanently failed. You may need to wait a few minutes for the new status to be shown.


If the fax is sent successfully, it will move to the Sent folder. If it fails, it will move to the Failed folder.

Fax Status Meanings

Outbound Faxes

QueuedFax job has been queued for outbound delivery, and will begin sending shortly
BlockedFax job is currently waiting for another job to the same destination number to complete before attempted outbound delivery
ActiveFax job is actively being sent to the destination number
SleepingFax job was attempted, but was not successful. Job is currently waiting to have a reattempt at delivery
SuccessfulFax job was successfully delivered to the destination number
FailedFax job delivery was attempted several times, but ultimately was not successful. No more tries will be attempted***

Inbound Faxes

ReceivedFax was received into the FAXStation platform, and processed into your account
DeployedFax was picked up by your FAXStation CPE device for local delivery to your fax machine

Maximum Retry Attempts

In case the fax does not succeed on the first try, the system will retry, up to the maximum number of attempts defined below:

Max Retry Attempts
No Answer9
No Carrier3
Other (fax protocol)3

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